This is from an antique greeting card, it shows Santa Claus holding a candy cane and the message reads "Joy to your household and peace to your heart."

A Nativity scene from a vintage card that says "As the wise men came bearing precious gifts ~ so does this card bear to you my loving Christmas greeting".

A victorian greeting card showing Mary, baby Jesus and two baby angels playing music, written on it is Buon Natale.

Santa Claus with a big bag of gifts, the card says "Christmas Greetings" It shows December 25, I just wish it said what year!

Two small children pinning holly up to decorate for the holidays while Santa secretly watches. Written on it is "A Joyful Christmas".

This vintage, and now animated clipart shows a young girl with her teddy bear and a toy lamb. It says "My Christmas Greeting that all my best wishes for you come true".

"A kindly word and a cheery rhyme, to wish you a happy Christmas time". The little girl is wearing such a cute old fashioned outfit!

Similar to the last clipart, this one shows a little girl dressed in Holiday costumes. Also light animation over the image.