Here's a cartoon of a pirate with a hook for a hand, a peg-leg and an eye patch
A tattered treasure map with a world wide hunt for gold.
A smaller picture of a treasure map.
3D clipart of an angry pirate with a gold hoop earring, eye-patch with a skull and crossbones.
A small portrait of a swashbuckler in the traditional tricorn hat decorated with a skull and crossbone, eyepatch and holding a knife between his teeth. Scary!
Peg legged pirate holding his sword high in the air ready to go pillaging.
A cute game style ghost dressed up in a headband and eye patch.
Another small image of a boy dressed up in a pirate hat.
A very cute animation of a Lego pirate.
A black and white image of another mad pirate!
An animation of a man digging for buried treasure.
Pirate skull wearing an eye patch, brightly colored tricorn had with a vibrant plume in front of crossed swords.
An animated pirate with a peg leg waving a sword.
One eyed, blue alien wearing a pirate hat.
Yar, here be the booty! This dapper high seas buccaneer opening a treasure chest filled with gold is wearing a blue bandana, a white shirt with puffy sleeves and a black vest.
A kid dressed up playing pirates.