This autumn tree with changed leaves is also available for all 4 seasons and there's more tree clipart on this page.
Cornucopia filled with pears, apples, eggs and a pumpkin to represent the bounty of the fall harvest.
This image of sunflowers and black birds can either be for the end of summer or leading into early autumn.
Here's a beautiful and simple image of an autumn landscape with the trees in bright colors and a crisp breeze blowing through.
Here's a funny little cartoon showing colorful leaves falling from the sky while a man with a rake looks a bit annoyed.
This is one of kids (and my) favorite things to do after the leaves have changed color and fallen, jumping in the big piles of raked leaves!
Windiness is often just part of this season, here's a small breeze blowing a leave off the pile of leaves.
Here's a nice way to decorate pages during this season, this bottom, left border is filled with yummy food from the farmer's harvest.
Here's another image of fruit and vegetables from the harvest, including a pumpkin, grapes, corn, apples, pears and squash.
Pumpkins and Autumn leaves in front of a full moon. There's also a page of Jack-o-lanterns here as well!